Abita Jockamo IPA

I’ll start off by admitting I’m not overly familiar with anything Abita has to offer. And I’m not certain that I would be choosing their beer if I hadn’t run in to one of Abita’s own at the recent Beer Fest. Mike was very informative and I really enjoyed talking with him. Fun fact, did you know that Abita is one of the largest craft breweries in America?? Number 17 according to the Brewers Association. I know I didn’t. Compare that to Texas largest craft brewer, St. Arnold, that comes in at number 43. After sampling some of their brews they had on hand, I decided to go out and immediately start taste testing what they had to offer, which of coarse starts with the IPA.

When I opened the bottle I immediately noticed the strong hops smell, which is a good thing! It was a very light color, and very well carbonated. I really enjoyed the first sip, and it got better as I continued. The hops definitely come through, but they don’t overwhelm. In fact they resonate really well with the malt characteristics found in the Jockamo. It finishes really clean and on the lighter side for an IPA. Coming in at 6.5% abv, and 52 ibu’s, this is a brew you can enjoy more then once.

Overall I thought the Jockamo was solid. I’ll definitely be having this one again, and look forward to trying more from Abita in the near future. In fact, I plan on taking the trip over to see these guys at the their brewpub in Abita Springs. What say you?? Any recommendations for Abita brews to try next?


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