Jack-O Traveler Shandy

Brewer Descrip­tion

…Rep­re­sent­ing the darker side of Shandy, Jack-O-Traveler is an allur­ing beer illu­mi­nated by the tastes of fall. He strikes the per­fect bal­ance between bright refresh­ment and sea­sonal spice. Jack is brewed with fresh pump­kin, for a deli­cious, dark hued, Shandy-inspired beer.

I was very sur­prised to see a Pump­kin shandy in the mix, but I knew that the Trav­eler Beer Co. could pull it off…and they shined past my expec­ta­tions. This shandy is very light and refresh­ing like any other shandy, but it includes pump­kin and other fall spices.

To give you insight on the taste, pic­ture their flag­ship Lemon Shandy, but with the fla­vors of a light pump­kin beer. One might think that these fla­vors shouldn’t mix, but they col­lide per­fectly to pro­vide a refresh­ing fall seasonal.

Jack-O Trav­eler should be the only pump­kin beer to be released early. Instead of jump­ing right into all the dark and spiced pump­kin beers in late sum­mer, I would rather be drink­ing the light and refresh­ing ones first…and Jack-O is per­fect for this scenario.

It pours an off-orange color and smells of a fall/summer col­li­sion of cin­na­mon and lemon. The taste is exactly the same. A mix­ture of sum­mery refresh­ing lemon shandy blended with pump­kin and a small amount of fall spices. Since it is still early in the fall sea­son, the amount of spices is per­fect. The spices pro­vide just enough fla­vor to the beer and they don’t over­power the rest of the it (too many fall spices usu­ally result in a bad review from me).

Over­all, I applaud this beer in its entirety. You must find it…and you must drink it.

Style: ABV: Color: Price:
Pump­kin Shandy 4.4 % Orange $$

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