Kona Longboard Island Lager

Brewer Descrip­tion
Long­board Island Lager is a smooth refresh­ing lager fer­mented and aged for five weeks at cold tem­per­a­tures to yield its excep­tion­ally smooth fla­vor. A del­i­cate, slightly spicy hop aroma com­ple­ments the malty body of this beer.

After try­ing the rest of Kona’s beers, this one just didn’t cut it. Long­board lager is bland and tastes just like any other lager. It has a faint hop aroma and taste, with a thin, malty body. Over­all, it is just an aver­age lager with lit­tle fla­vor. I was hop­ing that this beer would fea­ture trop­i­cal fla­vors like other Kona brews, but it didn’t excite me one bit. If your a light beer fan, than I’d rec­om­mend you to try this beer and see what you think. If your look­ing for an excit­ing and trop­i­cal beer, than try Kona’s Big Wave Golden Ale

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