Atwater Decadent Dark Chocolate Ale

chocoaleBrewer Descrip­tion
Beer lovers and Choco­holics unite! It’s a deca­dent Atwa­ter ale that ends with a dark choco­late kiss..

Atwa­ter Brew­ery is a new brew­ing com­pany to us. They are from Detroit, and they have an awe­some lineup of unique ales for all to try. Decadant Dark Choco­late Ale is the sec­ond beer that I have tried from them, and it is now one of my favorite stout-like ales. It pours a dark brown/black hue with a huge choco­late smell. The taste is def­i­nitely dark and choco­laty with a maple syrup sur­prise. Deca­dent is a desert beer that doesn’t taste like a thick, nor­mal stout. It is extremely sweet, with a dark fla­vor. Choco­late is the main taste, and a maple syrup fla­vor fol­lows. I highly rec­om­mend to try this and the rest of Atwater’s deca­dent brews. Cheers!

Style: ABV: Color: Price:
Stout ?? Dark Brown $$$

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